Sunday, May 3, 2009

So Spoiled....Already

Well, we put most of the final touches on Madden's room this weekend. We still need a couple of odds and ends for shelves, but other than that, the clothes are washed and hung and the pictures are all we do is wait.

All of his full drawers...

We have the wreath that my mom and sister made for him on his bedroom door.


Shelves...need some sports books for the bookends and a couple more things to complete this part of his room.

Football lamp I found at Hobby Lobby...they were having a great sale this weekend...AS ALWAYS.

Clothes and items for Madden we won't need for a while.

Dresser/Changing Table

Crib and rocker.


  1. I miss you too Jenny!! Would love for us to get together once your little man is born! So funny that you remember that pic of me at the beach. My family thinks the same thing!!
